An event dedicated to prevention and exchange of experience in the field of safe integration of motorcyclists into traffic after the winter season. During the event presentations of various vintage vehicles took place. Stores that sell motorcycles and equipment also offered additional discounts for the purchase.
... On behalf of the Council for Prevention and Education in Road Transport of the Municipality of Maribor, Thank you for your cooperation in the event and your contribution to the carried out educational and preventive campaign 3RD MARIBOR MOTO DAY, 2024. We hope that you will continue to cooperate with us in our efforts to improve road safety for road haulers – road users.
We are pleased that the Municipality of Maribor repeatedly trusts us to take care of the technical implementation of events that promote road safety. Rock music, sun, beautiful Saturday, good food, a polygon for safe driving, which allows motorcyclists to refresh their motorcycle skills again after the winter season and gain fitness for new trips. Many participants also diversified the programme for the third consecutive year. For me personally, however, it was the first time I moderated and hosted the program. Thanks for the chance to get new experience in this field!